“You have to see yourself in the pig sty.”


Chapter 5, Page 46 –

This young man did not come to his senses all by himself. He didn’t know how. He had forgotten how. But the Holy Spirit knew how. The Holy Spirit knew that the Father still loved him. And the Holy Spirit knew how to raise up that wonderful working of the mind called – Hope.

Watch this Hope growing in this young man.

The Holy Spirit brings to the young man’s mind scenes that he needs to remember. Let’s read these particular passages together. (I pray that, wherever you are, you have your Bible open. I want you to see for yourself the impact of these verses.)

In Luke 15:17, he remembers the generosity of his father toward the hired servants – “How many of my father’s hired men have . . .”

And in verse 18, he remembers the constant love of his father in the face of all his young foolishness – “I will get up and go to my father . . .”

And in verse 19, this young man knows that he has thrown away his inheritance and that all his own righteousness is worthless – “I no longer deserved to be called your son . . .”

The Holy Spirit helps him remember, convicts him of his helpless situation, and convinces him of the goodness of his father. And this gives him Hope, not in himself, but in the goodness of his father.

Remember: You and I are the Prodigal. We’re wallowing in the pig sty of our own sins. Are you with me here? You have to see yourself in the pig sty. You have to be convinced of your Sin or you can’t grow in this kind of hope.