“The purpose of a disciple is to witness.”


Chapter 16, Page 162 –

After all of our time together, I still don’t know you well enough to assume anything, so I will ask this question of you. Have you ever previously responded to that question, ever answered that call to be a disciple? Have you heard the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit calling you to take that first step:  To believe in God and follow Him, to make Covenant with God, and commit your life to follow Him as a disciple?

Or maybe – I don’t know – maybe you made this commitment some time ago, but the worries and riches and pleasures of life rose up and choked the life out of that commitment. And today you are hearing the voice of Jesus calling you to renew that commitment “today, while it is called today.” This would be a good time – while the conviction is upon you again – to re-establish that Covenant relationship with God.

I know that this is a radical commitment to ask of you. But this is what the Holy Spirit has been preparing you for through all of our conversations. As Seventh-day Adventist Christians, we know with certainty that the metaphor of the Sanctuary calls us to be Ministering Priests as we share with people all three wonderful promises of the Three Angels. We know that the consequence of choosing to Receive from, Grow in, and Become like Jesus (R-G-B) is to be part of that persevering group of whom it is said, “The saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever” (Daniel 7:18).

We know that in the abiding power of the Holy Spirit, we are called to deliver this confident Witness of the Remnant to “every nation, tribe, tongue, and people” (Revelation 14:6). In whatever walk of life God has called us – carpenter, general, prophet, or king – however the Holy Spirit has gifted us, we are called to share the Covenant of the Grace-Faith Relationship with the people. 

The word “Christian” means a follower of Christ, a disciple. The purpose of a disciple is to witness.

Chapter 17: [6]