“God is preparing His People to be Priests to a world in chaos.”


Chapter 8, Page 83 –

Imagine the End Time world where all the clear-thinking, godly pastors – both Seventh-day Adventist and non-Seventh-day Adventist – are either dead or in jail. (They are the obvious first targets – always have been – in a world of persecution.) Imagine a world where all normal relationships are being pulled asunder, where all human compassion has been obliterated, where “. . . every intent of the thoughts of [their] heart[s] was only evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). Imagine a world where all thoughtful considerations of God have been hijacked, where all religious allegiance is being commanded by and focused on an earthly power. 

Imagine the people of this world floundering about, wondering “What’s going on?” They are looking for someone who knows what’s happening and is willing to teach them, who has compassion for them and is willing to minister to their needs, who is willing to bear their burdens and to intercede for them. 

God is preparing His People to be Priests to a world in chaos. God’s preparation for His People to function as Priests in the “chaotic” world – is to empower them (comfort them, teach them, remind them, focus them, convict them, gift them – John 14-16) to function as Priests in the comparatively “normal” world. When we say that God’s People are to be Priests, that word “Priest” is a job description which is loaded with meaning, loaded with activity – exceedingly, overwhelmingly more than we normally associate with being a church member. Is it any wonder that the heart needs to be transformed (Romans 12:2) before the job can be undertaken?


Chapter 9: [4]